Monday, February 24, 2003

I'm so screeewed!! >_< the lack of updates can mean two things: I haven't had the time because i've been to busy studying or that i've been to entertained enjoying my free time. well, it's got to be both of them, I enjoyed the weekend so much even though i didn't go partying, I'll explain that another day because today don't have the time and I won't have til thursday, when i'll do the fucking driving test.. ooh, jeez, I'm gonna fail, my friends that are doing the test on thursday are passing the exam tests with 0, 1 2 failures, and I'm doing so baad, I haven't passed any exam test, the minimum failures I've had are 6...
2 days left, damn it!

Thursday, February 20, 2003

a bit depressed, that's how i'm feeling... tonight is Thursday night, and here in Spain that means only one thing: Party!!!, and what the heck i'm doing here? I've decided to stay home, because I've to study tomorrow morning for the driving license test. ouch... I'm doing so bad in the tests, I get 10 or more questions wrong (out of 40) all the time when it's required to get only 4 or less if I want to pass the test. And I'm examinating next Thursday!! I'm beginning to get kinda nervous... I can't fail that exam....
I'm looking through the balcony as I'm writing this and there's a guy of the residence vomiting.... too much alcohol I dumb.
gonna go to sleep

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Going Berserk! That is the way I've decided to name my Weblog, It sounds really cool!! Why that name?
Cause my life drive me crazy all the time, thinking about everything, being worried about everything and everyone and so on...
and of course I love an anime series called Berserk, which is one of my favorites series. So, when I'll make a layout for my blog
I'll make it black or red, and creepy and all that stuff, and with some nice pictures of gatts (the main character of the series).
By the way, I'm enjoying a lot this "weblog scene", and this thing of writing one of my own, so I'm thinking a lot about making a nice blog with a ver nice layout, and even buying my own domain, that would be or, I've checked those domains, and neither of them are yet registered. But til summer I don't have the time to do that, because of college... so we'll see..
Yesterday I made a test here, and the result was.....

The basketball game I saw yesterday was great!!! Pau Gasol was the best player for the Memphis Grizzlies, and they won against the Indiana Pacers, It was worth it staying late til 5:30 am :D
If you¡re wondering who is Pau Gasol, he is the only spanish player that plays in the Nba, It was selected Rookie of the year last season, he is sooo big and soooo good!! yay...
Real Madrid, my favorite soccer team, also won tonight 2-1 against Borussia Dortmund, in the European Champions League...
It's been a nice day, even though I'm still studying hardly for the driving license, it sucks so baaaad......

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

I know the meaning of my name!!! didn't know the meaning of it until today, I found it googling it :) Love Google!
So What in the hell does Aitor mean? I've asking me that question forever and now I know it means "Noble" or "Father",
or Noble father, or something like that, the meaning comes from the Basque culture and language or whatever.
I luv it, I luv my name!! :D , Now I also know that May 22th is Saint Aitor, which I didn't know. Cool!
I've just made a test here and these are the results:

I think they're fairly accurated to reality :)
I gotta go now cause I've to study for the theoric exam needed to get the driving license, I'm doing kinda bad in the test right now and only have 10 days to fill them right, for my own sake. I'm doing the exam on February 27th!
I'm gonna watch Memphis Grizzlies Vs Indiana Pacers on Tv at 2:00 am, I'll tell ya tomorrow how Pau Gasol did!

Monday, February 17, 2003

Here goes my second weblog post:
Well, it's 2:40 am and tomorrow I've class at 10:15. This is kinda frequent in me, I usually go to sleep quite late wasting time on the internet or "doing nothing" with the computer. However now I'm soooo sleepyyy.... but I'm going to write some lines....
What am I going to write in this weblog? I don't really know yet, but whatever is flying through my mind. This is not meant to be a perfect diary (not going to say: "I ate that and that, slept 1 hour, did that and that..."), but of course I'll write something about the day I've had and so. Also I'll write what I like and hate, my dreams, what annoyes me, my deep thoughts, my friends, my family, studies, partys, I'll post links about interesting things I see on the internet..etc etc.... In short I'm going to write what I fucking want :) , and I don't give a damn if u don't like what I write or if you think I'm an asshole, so you just have to leave.
I have just seen The Ring (the american remake, not the original japanese) with Antonio (my room mate), Victor & Roka (2 friends that live on my residence and are studying the same as me), as I had seen the original movie (I bought it on dvd 2 weeks back for only 9€) it didn't surprise me at all, but it was pretty well done... not better than the original one though....
On the afternoon I took the bus to go to El Corte Ingles (a big chain of departament stores here in Spain), to make the inscription to the Nike Open 2x2 basketball championship, that's taking place this weekend here in Valencia. I'll play with Pablo (a freshman here in the residence), however our hopes to win the championship are 0, but that doesnt mean we're that bad, but we're goint to play with kinda skillful people, and they can even be 6 years older than me.
Here's an interesting link of an opinion of Gary Kasparov about his match with the computer program Deep Junior (they tied 3-3). I enjoy a lot playing chess, but lately I don't have the time to play. I'll write about it other cause I'm going to bed.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

Hello, this is my first post in a blog on the internet. I think nobody in the world cares about what I say here or what I do in my life, but I think making a blog could be interesting and fun, and maybe it can help me to improve my poor english writing skills.
So, my name is Aitor, I am 19 years old and I am currently living in Valencia (Spain), however I grew up in a touristic & beautiful town called Calpe in the north of Alicante (Spain). I'm studying ingeniering in telecommunications on the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). This career is suposed to take me 5 years to finish, but that would be if I studied like 5 or 6 hours every day during the whole course, and of course I don't want that, I want to live. So I hope that it will take me 5 or 6 five more years (this is my second year). OK I'm tired right now because I went clubbing yesterday so I will continue blogging later or tomorrow.