Friday, March 28, 2003

Weekend!!! yay... In the last update I forgot to mention that I had added that cool image at the right, it gives the plain blogger layout some "life", but that's just provisional, I promise that in summer I'll do the best layout you've ever seen! :D I'm feeling so jealous about high school teenagers that have all the time they want for making new layouts, and they change it each 3 or 4 weeks.... ouch... I miss all the free time I had when I was in high school!!!!
Last night was fun, Antonio and I went to Alvaro's flat to have dinner with some friends of the career. Alvaro is the most intelligent person I've ever get to know. He's a genius... He just keeps having 10 in most of the exams when everybody else fails. amazing. So we were 7 people at the dinner: Alvaro, Aquilino, Fuji, Parras, Toni, Antonio and I, all of us Telecommunications students, I had a lot of fun talking and hearing stories... We had sausages, bacon and pork meat for dinner, it was all very tasty... Then we went to a bar and we went home at 5 am... It was fine for me because today I haven't had class, but Alvaro was worried because he had to get up at 8:30...
So I woke up at 11 because I had to play an official basketball game with the Galileo Team in the university league... We lost, we played terrible... I'm so pissed about it. There's only one game left and we have to win it if we want to get to the playoffs. I'll tell you...
Now I'm going to sleep. On sunday my parents are visiting me, I needed it, they have to wash my clothes ;)

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

quite a boring day today, spend a lot of time sleeping and doing nothing (on the internet doing nothing), I've have tried to study a little bit, but it has been procastinated ( I learnt this word yesterday so I've felt like using it :o) ), as I usually do with things I don't like to do, like studying :$ Well, this afternoon I played Beach-Volley with Aitor (another boy whose name is the same as mine) against Torto and Jonas, we lost... duhh, it was close, though
I've decided not to post more about war, I hate browsing blogs and all of them blogging about war, dumbass bush, dead saddam, anti-war, anti-americans sentiments, patriotic americans... bla bla bla
I'm going to blog about more interesting things... like Wonderful Days!!!! It's a Korean anime movie that I discovered the other day surfing the web.... It's one of the most astounding trailers I've just seen lately, I hope it gets released here in Spain (it opens april 18th in Korea).... or at least it gets subbed on the Internet so I can download it :) The quality of the animation it's just jaw-dropping and the combination of 2D and 3D graphics it's perfect. Take a look at the english website here. I don't know why the web is down right now....

Make sure to download the trailer as soon as you can.... I promise you it's awesome.
See you tomorrow

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

I'm suposed to have recovered my usual sleeping hours again, now it's 4:30 am though, cause tomorrow I don't have classes, these cuatrimester I have wednesday and friday free... but I'm studying those days anyways *shrug*
Well, today I finished watchin an anime series called Hellsing, 13 episodes, not very good but above average, didn't understand the ending at all I think.... By the way, Sen To Chihiro No Kamikakushi ("Spirited Away" or "El Viaje de Chihiro") won the Best Animated Film award at the Oscars ceremony, it deserved it, cause it is a great movie. It's one of my all-time favorite movies, saw it on May in Japanese subbed in English, maybe I'll get the Dvd, which is released April 2nd here in Spain. freaking cool....
The spaniard Pedro Almodovar won the "Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen" award for Talk To Her, I didn't see the movie, but I'm not in a hurry to see it, cause I didn't like the movies I saw from him....
This night I've seen "Al otro lado de la cama", one of the best spanish movies of last year, I went to see it to the movies, but I felt like seeing it another time on DivX with some friends.... It's an awesome romantic comedy.... lots of laughs....
I'm going to sleep.... we lost 6-2 on soccer... uhuhu ... but I didn't play that bad you know

Saturday, March 22, 2003

quite in a lazy mood right now, blogging some lines though...
If you've notice last days i've been updating at "vampire hours", my sleep hours are totally turned over... I go to sleep at 6 or 7 in the morning and wake up to eat.... kinda freaking, I know.... So I'm going to change that today, not sleeping, that easy... I'm watching the Malaysian Gran Prix of Formula 1, where Fernando Alonso has the Pole Position (first place at the beginning of the race)... So he is the first spanish in that... I hope he wins the race, would be cool....
Now I'm going to study some "Fundamentos de Telematica", it's a subject that introduces us to computer networks and all that stuff that I'll study in my career....

Friday, March 21, 2003

Let's write about this thing everybody speaks lately: I mean WAR.... Ok... I'm totally against the war, because i think that all that bush is doing is for oil, and because he still hasn't caught osama bin laden so he has to attack this dude called Saddam, that his father couldn't bring down.... But saddam is evil they say. Yes he is a bastard, everybody knows, but that doesn't have to necessarily mean the US has to deploy all his army and send all those missiles and bombs against Iraq. Look, North Korea is developing nukes (they've said so), are they next? Is the US going to attack every country when they don't like what are they doing?
We suspect iraq of having weapons of mass destruction, and all we can come up with is the fact that UN reports didn't fully meet our expectations... so what do we do? we're going to go to war. makes sense, when your economy's bad, go to war.
So everybody knew the US was going to war like 2 months ago.... and then they send the UN inspectors and all that stuff going on....
what for? It's not like there is a country on this planet that could actually stop the US from doing whatever the fuck they want...
The UN can talk all they want, Russia, China, France or Germany..... They didn't get anything but make the US angry about them...
Why is Spain suporting the US when 90% of the Spanish population is against war? It doesn't make sense cause a government has to do what their population desires... I suppose Aznar wants to be friend with the strongest kid in the class: Mr. Dumbass Bush... But from an economic standpoint it's all that great for Spain, and now we seem like we're something important in the world. What would have gotten Spain from oposing to war? ask France in 4 or 5 years what they think about it.... It's kinda difficult situation, I think the Spanish situation at war is unmoral and I hate it, but then I have to admit it's the best for our country, but then I think that our population doesn't want war...... I think I'm getting tangled up!! The fact is nobody can stop that psychopath....
We'll see how this thing develops, everything can happen right now.... Just say that this wouldn't have happened if Al Gore would have won the elections and now we have that retard called Bush behind all those nukes, bombs, missiles, planes, tanks and stuff, so he if he wants to launch a nuke against Burundi or Australia or Colombia (because he thinks they have mass destruction arms) nobody will be able to do anything....
It can't get much more unmoral and sick than this, really. Now all we can hope is the war finishes as soon as posible...
yay, it's a bit late, til tomorrow...

Thursday, March 20, 2003

wooowwww! I'm plugged to the internet... Lately this has become a rare situation here in the Galileo due to the stupid (and payed) dumbass that configures the residence's network and access to the internet. I really feel like smacking him in the face with a frying pan whenever the net doesn't work, which lately is more than frequent.... So this dude left friday afternoon leaving the residence without the internet working, and as he doesn't work on weekends and festivities (fallas party in Valencia) we haven't had connection til yesterday, (when I didn't feel like blogging....) of course I've had a lot of thoughts to blog during fallas and here they are:
let's begin saying that visitors counter has been added on the right side of the frontpage (below the "powered by blogger" image). anyways it's supposed to be useful in the future when my blog will be the most famous on the net, because right now I'm the only mortal that visits this page (I think).... *sigh*
so if you're not spanish and are reading this you'll wonder what the fuck is fallas? well, it's the main festivities here in Valencia, that means no class, party and sitting my lazy ass the whole day, this year I'm having 10 days off... a big deal... The festivities are suposed to be in honor to San Jose Day (19th of march), so they build big monuments (with cardboard? or a similar material) the week before San Jose, everywhere around Valencia, and then on that day they light them up and they're gone until next year.... there're also fireworks the whole week and "mascletas" which consist on using gunpowder (?) to make the loudest noise posible during 20 minutes or so.... The city is all crowded during the whole week and to take a taxi or not getting in a traffic jam is kinda difficult all the time.....
However the main goal for young people in Fallas is to party as much as they can, so the level of whoredomness in girls and drunkness on boys is high level wherever you go at night. So I had a lot of laughs during the whole week (see thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday and tuesday) with my friends and flirting with beutiful girls :$
I carried my digital camera everywhere and whenever I went out I was taking picture all the time... very fun photos, and sometimes naughty ones ;) I wish I could post the pictures here, but as long as I'm in blogspot I can't....
nuff for today, tomorrow some war thoughts (we'll see who of the four dumbs is the dumbest: Bush, Blair, Aznar or Saddam).... gonna go have some sleep... 5:30 am....

Sunday, March 09, 2003

Uhuh, kinda late, but going to blog some lines anyway....
I've just received an e-mail with the marks of "Laboratory of Electronic Aided Design"... and Wow! I've the best mark overall between the people that made the exam the same day as me, something between 100 and 150 people. I'm very happy :D It's the first time I get the best mark in an exam at University. However the marks were not very good in general terms, a lot of people has failed with 0s and 1s.... I got a 5 (out of 7), before I had goten a 1'1 (out of 1'5), still don't know the mark of the Printed Circuit Board that we made last friday, I learnt how to solder components in a PCB, and the circuit worked the first time we checked it after soldering all the components. The circuit consists of a blinking led, not that complex circuit.... but it's the first one we do.... in 5 years I'll do a robot!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

ouch! it seems that I can't blog before 2 am, I always have something to do.
I've just seen my first jazz concert at 8 pm, and... wooowww it rocks... it's been the mike stern jazz band
(website here), there were 4 musicians, mike stern at the guitar,
one guy at the saxophone, another one playing the bass guitar in some songs and the chello in others, and a guy
(that's gotta be carl winslow from family matters ;) ) at the drums. They all seemed virtuous with their respective instrument,
the concert has been almost 2 hours long, almost non-stop. The concert hall (el Paraninfo de la Upv) was crowded. A lot of applauses and cheerings. Great! thinking I really like jazz! this guys are amazing....
Antonio and I, have won this night a game of Domino against Rafa and Torto, it was a matchup for the "Cultural Week" here in the Galileo.... I've been playing a lot of chess lately, cause I want to win the championship (it's 50 €, so 50 $ us more or less)...
The Domino championship it's 50 € for each winner. The cultural week will take place in 3 weeks, but we have to play matchups before that week so that everybody can play their games... I am going to participate in: Basketball 3x3, Basketball 3 point challenge, Soccer 7, Beach Volley (with Antonio), Chess, Domino, Ping-Pong, The Galileo Mille (running).... If I win all these championships I'm gonna be a millionaire :)
I've discovered today a nice website: Wikipedia, lots of reading there.

Sunday, March 02, 2003

I passeed the exam!!!!! hohohoho, I'm a machine. so happy about that, I wasn't sure if i did well, but I had the feeling that things were going to go well, I did the exam thursday, and that night after the exam I went out to a disco called Rumbo 144 that it's not that bad, uuhuh, I had some fun there, even though I still didn't know how I did at the exam. next day on friday I got up just in time to play a basketball game with the team of Galileo Galilei (my student residence), we lost by 42, uauuuu..... we hadn't lost any game, but they were the leaders of the table.... I had some 15 or 17 points though, not that bad....
and then some friends told me that we all had passed the exam.... happy happy, yay... I then could go back home without fears... I don't know If i had failed what had would happened.... my parents didn't even made a smile when i said to them that i had passed the exam, they said that they were so sure that I wasn't going to fail, that they didnt care at all... bahhh, I barely studied 5 days, when a lot of people spends some months on it.... ;) I were so lucky....
then i went to the comics shop, bought some manga comics (one piece, random walk, berserk nº8!!!, and a new one hiroshima), lots of money there, caught the train back home, calpe "city"!!!! haven't been here since xmas, and well, I don't know when I'll be back... relaxing, not caring at all about college, it feels good here... but I'm going back to Valencia today. In fact I'm going to pack things right now....